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    This paper presents an automated process to use data from iNaturalist, a popular citizen science platform, and a United States national list of nonnative plant species to compile a provisional watch list of the 100 most frequently reported nonnative species within a 160 km buffer around a managed area. It demonstrates the application of the process using 36 US National Park Service units with relatively small operating budgets.
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    This paper provides practical, rapid ecological integrity metrics to guide Shortleaf Pine-Oak woodland ecosystems management for the restoration of habitat for focal wildlife.
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    NatureServe, together with colleagues on the IUCN SSC Post-2020 Task Force and the Red List Committee contributed to the launch of the STAR (Species Threat Abatement & Restoration) metric. STAR offers, for the first time, a robust and spatially explicit indicator to track actions aimed at reducing threats to species. This fills a big hole in the global indicator library, allowing countries (and even corporations or investment banks) to quantify their efforts to improve conditions for the persistence of biodiversity. It also represents yet another conservation knowledge product based on the Red List.
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    This standard places NatureServe and the Network in a better position to place the most current, complete, and consistent Biodiversity Location Data into the hands of researchers and decision-makers.
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    NatureServe and its Network partners from Natural Heritage Programs, in collaboration with a variety of agency partners, have developed a rapid assessment of ecosystem condition, structured around the concept of ecological integrity, called the Ecological Integrity Assessment (EIA).
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    In our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan, NatureServe commits to playing an even greater role in protecting biodiversity by providing the best available science, data, and technology to support biodiversity conservation. Learn more about the values that are core to NatureServe and how we are investing in our future.
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    NatureServe has completed the Field Key and Vegetation Descriptions for Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
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    Alongside researchers at the Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), and the Institute of Biology at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), the study, Ensuring effective implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity targets, examines the global failure in delivering the Aichi Biodiversity Targets (strategic international goals adopted in 2010 to address the crisis of biodiversity loss).
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    Long-Term Loss in Extent and Current Protection of Terrestrial Ecosystem Diversity in the Temperate and Tropical Americas.
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    NatureServe Canada and Nature Conservancy of Canada report on the distribution and status of Canada’s nationally endemic species.