Assessment of Wetland Ecosystem Condition Across Landscape Regions: A Multi-metric Approach, Part B
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Main elements of this project include: the suitability of existing spatial datasets and classification systems as the basis for sampling design, metrics for various aspects of wetland condition, and synthesizing the results into an ecological integrity scoring system.
Faber-Langendoen D, Rocchio J, Thomas S, Kost M, Hedge C, Nichols B, Walz K, Kittel G, Menard S, Drake J, and Muldavin E. 2012b. Assessment of wetland ecosystem condition across landscape regions: A multi-metric approach. Part B. Ecological Integrity Assessment protocols for rapid field methods (L2). EPA/600/R-12/021b. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC.