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Enter in the amount you would like to donate, and the species available for adoption at that sponsorship level will appear below.
Minimum values for each level: G5: $150 | G4: $500 | G3: $1,000 | G2: $2,500 | G1: $5,000

Please use numerical values only—no dollar signs, commas, or periods.
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NatureServe Explorer Sponsorship Information
Enter your name as you would like for it to appear on the NatureServe Explorer page for your adopted species. If you would like to make a donation in honor or memory of someone, please enter their name here. If you would like to make your gift anonymously, please write “Anonymous”.
If this gift is in honor of someone and you would like NatureServe to reach out in appreciation for their tribute gift, please provide contact information for them here. Email addresses, mailing addresses, and phone numbers accepted.
Please enter your Instagram or Twitter account name if you would like us to post about your contribution. Note: social media shout-outs are only available to G1, G2, and G3 level donors.
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