NatureServe collaborated with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency and the Puerto Rican Department of Natural Resources to conduct an assessment and demonstration of integrated land-sea planning (ILSP) for the Northeast Ecological Corridor of Puerto Rico. NatureServe integrated the Vista decsision support system with NOAA's OpenNSPECT software and GIS modeling to create an ILSP decision support toolkit. We began the project with an existing Vista project build for Para la Naturaleza, a non-profit conservation organization in Puerto Rico to support their terrestrial biodiversity conservation mission. Next we used NOAA's OpenSPECT tool to model sedimentation and nutrient output from the land and accumulation in rivers. From there we attributed pollutant levels to digitized marine pollution plumes from imagery. All of this information, along with marine habitats, species, and uses were added to the existing Vista project. The assessment identified what biodiversity and where would be impacted by marine uses and pollutants using Vista's scenario-based cumulative effects assessment.
There is a 20 minute presentation of this project conducted at the 2016 Esri Ocean Summit and a one-hour presentation conducted for the EBM Tools webinar series.