We are please to announce Virtual BWB—a webinar series from NatureServe that will be a forum for important discussions related to the Network, our stakeholders and policy makers.
Virtual BWB ran on a weekly basis starting on Thursday, April 30th to Thursday, June 18th. The recordings to these sessions are all available online (listed below) and are open to anyone to watch.
Session Recordings
Key Biodiversity Areas: Connecting Conservation Science, Policy, and Action
- Thursday, June 18th
- Healy Hamilton, Chief Scientist, NatureServe
- Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne, Canada KBA Coordinator, Wildlife Conservation Society Canada
- Christopher Tracey, PA Natural heritage Program
- Carmen Josse, Executive Director, EcoCiencia
- Click here to see the recording (password: 0Q^JK74r)
Data Needs for Decision-makers
How will our current and emerging tools address new sources of data and needs for data users? In this session we hear from external stakeholders and Network partners about how they use Network data to drive management and other land-use decisions.
- Thursday June 11th
- Darren Sleep, Senior Director, Conservation Science and Strategy, The Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Inc.
- From Currency to Conservation, Conservation Impact of Sustainable Forest Value Chains
- Jane Breckinridge, Director, Euchee Butterfly Farm and Bruce Hoagland, Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory
- Innovative Capacity Building: Creating Synergy with Tribal Alliance for Pollinators, ONHI and the Academic Community
- Click here to see the recording (password: 1Q?#*?3N)
Lightning Updates from Around the Network (round 2)
Hear updates from various projects and efforts from all over North America. Speakers include:
- Thursday June 4th
- Joe Lemeris, GIS/Data Manager, Natural Heritage Program South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources
- SC Natural Heritage Data Portal: Leveraging ArcGIS Enterprise to improve species data collection and accessibility to stakeholders.
- Jame Amoroso, Conservation Information Specialist, NC Natural Heritage Program
- NC NHP partnership with the NC Biodiversity Project
- Sabra Tonn, HDMS Program Supervisor, Arizona Fish and Game Department
- Tide won’t clean your data, but this tool will: efficiencies in data visualization and QC
- Click here to see the recording (password: 4O+s+$35)
Lightning Updates from Around the Network
- Thursday, May 28th
- Misty Nelson, Lead Scientist, California Natural Diversity Database
- Natural quiet and dark night skies: emerging priorities for biodiversity conservation
- Joshua Cohen, Lead, Ecologist, Michigan Natural Features Inventory
- Invasive species treatment prioritization model
- Joe Weber, Natural Heritage Information Manager, VA Division of Natural Heritage
- ConserveVirginia: A data-driven strategy that identifies high value lands for conservation
- Philippe Lamarre, Wildlife Biologist and EO Analyst, Department of Forests, Wildlife and Parks of Quebec
- Defining spatial scale and interactions with conservation actions improves threat mapping and multispecies conservation planning
- Click here to see the recording (password: 7y=gO63H)
- Session Question & Answer Sheet (PDF)
Introducing iMapInvasives: A robust agency solution for managing invasive species including presence and not-detected data, treatments, and infestation management
- Thursday, May 21st
- Shelley Cooke, Software Support Specialist, NatureServe
- Introduction to iMapInvasives via a Storymap
- Jason Denham, DEC Forester, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
- New York State Foresters Use iMapInvasives to Support Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Management
- Sarah J. Wurzbacher, Forestry Extension Educator, Penn State Extension, Lycoming County
- Penn State Extension uses iMapInvasives to search for Tree of Heaven in its efforts to prevent Spotted Lanternfly infestations in PA
- Lindsey K. Wise, Biodiversity Data Manager, Oregon Biodiversity Information Center
- Benefits of Using iMapInvasives as an Information Clearinghouse
- Click here to see the recording (password: 6y?S+D36)
- Session Questions & Answers sheet (PDF)
- iMapInvasives StoryMap
What’s your status? A look at the most recent results of ranking and status assessments from around the Network
- Thursday, May 14th
- Moderator, Patrick Comer, Chief Ecologist, NatureServe
- Remi Hebert, Coordinator, General Status of Species in Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service
- Wild species: The general status of species in Canada
- Dustin Lynch, Aquatic Ecologist, Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission
- Reassessment of Conservation Status Ranks of Arkansas Crayfish
- Malissa Briggler, State Botanist, Missouri Department of conservation
- An approach to plant species assessment by the Missouri Natural Heritage Program
- Patrick Comer, Chief Ecologist, NatureServe
- Red Listing terrestrial ecosystems in North America
- Click here to see the recording
- Session Questions & Answer sheet (PDF)
Advances in habitat suitability modeling and range-mapping to support conservation decisions
- Thursday, May 7th
- Moderator: Regan Smyth, Director of Spatial Analysis, NatureServe
- NatureServe Canada ecosystem-based automated range (EBAR) mapping: creating reliable, accessible range maps for conservation
- Christine Terwissen, National EBAR Coordinator, NatureServe Canada
- Building from the Map of Biodiversity Importance: Advances in Habitat and Range Mapping within the NatureServe Network
- Tim Howard, Director of Science, NY Natural Heritage Program
- Chris Tracey, Conservation Planning Manager, Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program
- Eleanor Gaines, Director, Oregon Biodiversity Information Center
- Click here to see the recording (password: 5M^*68$5)
- Session Questions & Answers sheet (PDF)
Recovering America's Wildlife Act, a natural investment to reverse America's wildlife crisis
- Thursday, April 30th
- Featuring Naomi Edelson, Senior Director, Wildlife Partnerships, National Wildlife Federation and Jon Ambrose, Chief, Wildlife Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources.
- Click here to see the recording
- Recovering America's Wildlife Act (RAWA) Plants FAQ (PDF)