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A Comprehensive Analysis of Grasslands in the Prairie Provinces, Canada
NatureServe Canada

NatureServe and Canadian ecologists completed a summary of the diversity of Canada’s temperate grasslands, using the Canadian National Vegetation Classification. Twenty-two grassland types are described, with their conservation status (G-ranks) documented in a separate report. The study quantitatively describes the core mixedgrass and northern tallgrass prairies in Canada’s prairie provinces. Plans are underway to improve range-wide maps of these prairie types and to support the evaluation of the best remaining landscapes through Canada’s Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) program. The project was funded by the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association, NatureServe Canada, and Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Wells, A., D. Faber-Langendoen, M. Tremblay, D. Downing, L. Pyle, K. Snow, and Mary Harkness. 2024. A comprehensive analysis of grasslands in the Prairie Provinces, Canada: An assessment using the Canadian National Vegetation Classification. NatureServe Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.