Vulnerability Assessment and Strategies for the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge and Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge Complex
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
This report—based on NatureServe's Vista tool—assesses the cumulative impacts of stressors on refuge resources over multiple timeframes to provide information on how priority resources (e.g., pronghorn, sage grouse, sagebrush habitat) on the Refuge Complex and the surrounding landscape may be affected by various management activities and land uses in the context of a changing climate. The results can inform the identification of mitigation and adaptation strategies that could address those impacts, both on and off the refuges.
Crist P, Wise L, Kagan J, Harkness M, Varley I, and P. Comer. 2011. Vulnerability Assessment and Strategies for the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge and Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge Complex. Boulder, CO: NatureServe.