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Shara Howie

Director of Network Partnerships and Data

(720) 240-3436

Shara Howie is the Director of Network Partnerships and Data for NatureServe, and is based out of the NatureServe Western Regional Office in Boulder, Colorado. With over 20 years of experience in the field of conservation data management and data standards, Shara has worked extensively with U.S. and Canadian government agencies, various private industries, and other organizations to promote the integration of NatureServe’s conservation data into decision-making to improve conservation outcomes. She has expertise in the integration of conservation data into transportation planning and project implementation especially related to highway and pipeline infrastructure.

Shara works closely with the NatureServe Network Programs across North America to advance improved data sharing and data security approaches including the delivery of data on NatureServe’s new Explorer Pro tool. Before joining NatureServe in 2001, Shara worked for The Nature Conservancy’s Science Division for 10 years and, prior to that, at the Smithsonian’s Botany Department for 3 years.