Adopt the Northern myotis
Myotis septentrionalis
Imperiled according to NatureServe
Endangered under the Endangered Species Act
Habitat: Old-growth forests
Diet: Insects
Behavior: Nocturnal, foraging for insects on the ground or in the air
Recognizable by its long ears and glossy brown fur, the northern myotis, also known as the northern long-eared bat, is a small, insect-eating bat species native to North America. This species has a long tail and a broad wingspan, which help it to maneuver while hunting for insects in slow flight. Unfortunately, a rapidly spreading fungal disease known as white-nose syndrome has caused an estimated 90% decline in northern long-eared bat populations. Consequently, the northern myotis is now recognized as Endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act and by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada.
Photo by Larry Master (masterimages.org). All Rights Reserved.
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